Soon To End


It's hard to imagine that another year is coming to a close. 2022 has not been the best, and I don't think I have high hopes for 2023, but I intend to be pleasantly surprised. I spent most of the year drawing and writing as I normally do, but with more intense fixation on improving. I think I did a little bit. I hope my art's gotten better, but I can't be completely sure. It's hard to be the eye of unbiased judgment when your work is the one you're scrutinizing.

I'm going again to spend time with family, and I won't be able to update the blog when I'm gone. I enjoy these visits, but I'm stressed about packing. I leave later today, so I've spent my morning packing my bags and praying I don't forget anything. I have a tendency to always leave one item behind, which drives me mad. I'll be double-checking everything the moment I'm done.

While I'm away, I'm going to hopefully work on anatomy and poses in my sketchbook. I want more fluidity in my art, and I've focused too much on keeping the anatomy perfect rather than playing with movement and motion. Hopefully I'll get better at it.

I'm going to go finish packing and hopefully be ready to go by later today. I'm looking forward to playing with my relatives new dog, he's a sweetheart, and I'm glad I got to go with them to adopt him last time I was there.

Take care in this new year. Be safe.